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After being present on the Italian market for only a few months, ProCombo proofed itself as one of the most state-of-the-art products. In a “competition” with well-established local brands, it quickly drew the attention of specialists.

The “Most Innovative Product” award from the PharmExpo exhibition in Naples came as an expected recognition of its presence among the best products. The exhibition has well established itself as the go-to venue for the representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and was visited by over 15 000 pharmacists and specialists in various fields. High-quality products by leading companies were included in the competition, and the members of the jury were experts and professionals with immaculate reputation.

The prestigious award was given by Professor Mariano Marotta from Rome - a specialist with many years of experience and chairman of the commission. Due to the great interest in ProCombo, Prof. Marotta also made a special presentation, which was immediately covered by the leading daily newspaper "La Repubblica".

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